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Admission and Enrollment

For most of New Jersey-based families, students being considered for admission must first be recommended by their school district’s Child Study Team (CST), which helps determine if Sage Alliance is the right fit for a student’s individual needs. The CST is a multidisciplinary group of professionals that provides parents and teachers with consultative, evaluative and prescriptive services for students who are experiencing academic difficulties. A typical Child Study Team consists of a psychologist, a learning disabilities consultant, a social worker and, often, a speech/language therapist.

We partner with the CST to help families navigate the placement and documentation process. Individual process steps may vary based on location, urgency and student needs, but most students will enroll with Sage Alliance using the following process.

Parents or guardians with questions about enrollment or other components of our program should contact usClick here to know more about Contact us.

Partnership in Placement

To be considered for enrollment at Sage Alliance, a student must have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), accompanied by documentation that is relevant to the child individual need. This may include social history, psychological evaluation, speech/language evaluation, and psychiatric evaluation.

Review of Records

Upon recommendation by the Child Study Team, the team at Sage Alliance will review the student’s academic and medical records, which may include:

  • Individualized Education Plans (IEP)
  • Child Study Team evaluations
  • Other evaluations (psychiatric, psychological etc.)

Interview and Tour

We encourage families and student to meet with key staff to gain a more in-depth understanding of the student and family needs, to talk in more details about program offerings, and to share how Sage Alliance, students and families collaborate day-to-day. After the informational interview, we invite students and families to get to know us better. Sometimes this looks like a day on campus to tour, hosted by other students, or opportunities to meet more extensively with campus leadership and staff.

Enrollment Planning

The district and family will make a collaborative decision as to whether Sage Alliance is the right fit for the student. Once a decision has been made, and the student is accepted by Sage Alliance, we work together to determine the earliest possible start date. In the case of school district placement, the student starts as soon as we receive the district’s approval and secure transportation.

Enrollment Timing

Sage Alliance has a rolling admissions process, which means enrollment can take place at any time during the school year. We monitor our students progress and needs on an ongoing basis and communicate regularly with our families and Child Study Teams.

Transition Planning

The length of time a student is enrolled at Sage Alliance is determined by many factors, all with the objective of meeting a student’s goals. The Sage Alliance team partners with the sending school districts to develop transition plans when the student is ready to return to their sending school.

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