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Sage Alliance Blog Post



5 Ways Our Accreditation Helps Support Our Growth and Goals

teenagers in a classroom studying
  1. Diverse Perspectives: Our accrediting organization, the Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools, believes strongly in the power of involving all stakeholders in strategic planning, so we get to hear from all aspects of our community.  

  1. Collaboration: Teams from across all our campuses get the opportunity to share ideas, resources and strategies. We love having the time to connect and share ideas in support of a common purpose.    

  1. Data-Driven Decisions: Data is collected during the planning stages and throughout the implementation process so that we can ensure our plans are producing the desired results. If not, we can gather as a team and make necessary adjustments along the way.  

  1. High Expectations: The 12 standards supported by the Middle States Association provide clear and targeted indicators to ensure that we are providing the best learning environment for our students. 

  1. Flexibility: The Middle States Association embraces the unique culture and needs of each school. While there are clear procedures and processes for accreditation, there isn’t a “one size fits all” approach. Through the development of school-wide objectives and action steps, schools are encouraged to create meaningful goals with achievable plans.  

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