How the Naples Act Gave Students with Special Needs More Choice
Posted: June 12, 2019 | Written By: Holly Ference | Category:

The Naples Act, N.J.S.A. 18A: 46-14, allows special education students to be placed in an accredited, private school that is not specifically approved for the education of disabled students as long as the school meets certain regulatory requirements. What this law refers to is the ability to place the student in the “most appropriate placement”, not the “only appropriate placement”. This law supports students in finding the school that can best provide the education they deserve.
Why The Naples Act Is Necessary
Often, public schools are not equipped to offer the necessary services for students who struggle with emotional issues, school refusal, and debilitating mental health issues. Without a curriculum that caters to this student, they miss out on vital educational opportunities which has lasting effects. With the mental health crisis among teens growing, the Naples Act is more important now than it ever was.
Through the Naples Act, students can be placed in a school like Sage Day that can offer therapeutic support with experts certified to work with students with mental health issues. The level of intensive therapeutic, school-based intervention provided by Sage Day is the LRE (least restrictive environment) for the student.
Ongoing Monitoring
Sage Day facilitates ongoing monitoring by the local school district by providing specialized and flexible instruction using a curriculum format that is aligned with New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Quarterly, formal written progress updates are provided to school districts and families which include measurable data and detailed information. Sage continuously engages in effective, ongoing communication regarding the educational and therapeutic processes of each student.
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