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Sage Alliance Blog Post



Preparing for Transition

preparing for transition

I  am very concerned about my son after high school graduation. He does not know what he wants to do and as much as I want him to go on to college, I don’t know that it is the best option for him. I try talking to him about it, but it always results in an argument that stresses both him and I which of course, is not what I want. How can Sage Day help my son with his next steps? 

Concerned Mom


Dear Concerned Mom, 

Transitions can be a difficult part of life, but are made easier with the right thought and preparation. Eighty percent of Sage Day graduates go on to college. At the same time, there is a growing realization that college may not be the best next step for everyone. We are excited about providing this individualized services to our students and about expanding options for our sending districts who rely on Sage Day to provide a strong and innovative therapeutic approach for our students. 

The Sage Day College and Career Transition Department Will… 

• Provide each student with an individualized and specific plan for transition upon graduation 

• Assist college-bound students in researching, applying to and selecting th e college that is most appropriate and best suited for long-term success.  

• Provide students and parents with knowledge of alternatives to a traditional four-year colleges, including assocate’s degree options, technical and vocational schools and specialized certification programs  

• Work with each student to explore potential careers based o his or her interests, skills and abilities.  


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