Taking the Lead - Sage Day Middle School
Posted: September 11, 2012 | Written By: | Category:

By John Immerman, MA
The character of a school is made up of many facets that distinguish it from others. Researchers like Jim Collins, (Good to Great, 2001) investigated what made organizations from giant corporations to small private therapeutic schools achieve levels of exceptional achievement while maintaining their true vision. A closer look at Sage Day Middle School in Mahwah, New Jersey provides insight into what a quality educational program supported by exceptional therapeutic interventions can mean to the life a child and their family. The mission of any school of excellence begins with a carefully crafted set of measures that are founded in traditional and current best practices in education. Knowing what you stand for and the belief that you are the best at what you do are pillars within the Sage Day Middle School Community.
A combination of certain elements work cohesively to address and treat the needs of each student: enhanced technology, effective standards for evaluating student and teacher growth and performance coupled with meaningful levels of clinical interventions through group, individual and family therapy. The Sage Day Middle School empowers each child to achieve their personal best with regard to academic success delivered through a challenging educational program, which address the basics as well as enriched opportunities for all students while providing appropriate levels of support where needed. Student participation in character-based programs assists each child in reaching their potential with regard to being respectful and responsible members of our society.
The Sage Day Middle School Community values the whole child. This is fundamental to our driving goal that strives for quality by: setting and maintaining standards for effective classroom instruction, measureable student learning, and a stronger and healthier child. Sage Day Middle School continues to work with our educational partners in addressing the new challenges being faced by schools in the constantly evolving world of middle level education.
The ideology of Sage Day Middle School is about “Building Clocks, not just telling time.” (Collins, 2001) Comprehensive, cutting edge, caring, respectful and healing, that is what sets Sage Day Middle School apart and on the top of therapeutic middle level education.
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