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Helping Students with Mental Health Issues Plan for Life After Graduation

Helping Students with Mental Health Issues Plan for Life After Graduation

The next big step in your teen’s life is right around the corner. Whether they are heading to college or going straight into the workforce, having a plan set in place before high school graduation is key to preparing for a successful launch into the “real world”. 

The Transition Plan 

At Sage Day, our job isn’t complete until a transition plan is put in place to help our students succeed in life after graduating high school. Our team in the College and Career Transition Department works with each student individually to create a specialized plan for them. 

We know that parents often worry about life after graduation for their teens who struggle with mental health issues, but we’re here to help. This can be a stressful and difficult time for both the parents and students, but when a plan is in place upon graduation, that security can help the transition go more smoothly. 


If your son or daughter is college-bound, we will assist them with researching, applying and selecting the college that is best for them. If a traditional four-year university is not the plan, we will work with the parents and student to explore other options like technical schools or certificate programs. The coping strategies used in a therapeutic setting at our school can be accessed later in life beyond Sage Day, but it is important to continue speaking with a therapist as frequently as needed when transitioning to adulthood. 

Career Fields 

Some students will make the choice that going straight into the workforce will be best for them after graduation. We will help them explore potential careers based on skills, abilities and interests that they have. No matter which path they choose to take after graduation, we just want to ensure they are successful and prepared for life ahead. 

The future is bright for Sage Day Schools graduates, wherever life takes them. 

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