Helping Your Child Stay Focused While Studying At Home
Posted: October 29, 2020 | Written By: Sage Day | Category: ADHD

Many months have passed since the outbreak of coronavirus, and with it has come considerable changes to our daily lives. Students are forced to study from home, which can be challenging because there can be many distractions at home that can negatively impact motivation. It is essential to learn how to be intentional about how they spend time at home and important to know that they will need more willpower than usual to stay focused while having many distractions. This is tiring for both the brain and the body. When children are stressed, it is harder for them to focus their attention. Fortunately, willpower is like a muscle you can train and improve. Here are some tips to help you better focus your children while they are studying from home.
How Behavior Can Change Mindset
Feeling powerlessness in the coronavirus epidemic is common and being in that state can naturally trigger negative feelings and thoughts. Focusing your child on their studies and other activities can help them cope with stress and anxiety. Behavior can often be altered more easily than thoughts and feelings, so in order to change their negative emotions and thoughts, it is more effective to start with their behavior. A routine provides a structure and gives you, as well as your child a sense of control. It helps to have a pattern of specific actions or behaviors to get them ready to study, such as 10-15 minutes of preparation before your they begin.
Dress for Success
Even the clothes your child wears can have an impact on their studying productivity. When they wear sweatpants or pajamas, they can feel like they are not studying or make it harder to get into an academic mindset, leaving them more vulnerable to distractions. Proper clothing will help set clear boundaries between their roles as a student and as a child.
Create a dedicated study area for your children. Since they may be using their bedroom to study, try to create a physical boundary between their studies and their relaxation activities. When they are in that study space, make sure that only study-related activities happen there. Having clear boundaries contain the stress and bring a sense of control. Even a comfortable chair can foster an environment in which they can work for longer hours, and help your child resist the urge to do schoolwork in bed.
Keep Moving
Exercise can help improve their mood and energy levels, and it can also help train their willpower and concentration. By activating different parts of the body with movement, your child’s brain can rest, which can reduce burnout and help them study for longer without being distracted.
Help your child stay motivated and productive by building social hours into their daily schedule. When they reach a point at which they are becoming less productive, if appropriate, consider allowing them to reach out to friends through video calls, phone calls, and texting privileges. Video calls will help them better engage and stay connected with their friends.
When we face things we cannot control, we need to remind ourselves to focus on what we can control. Yes, this is a challenging time, but believe in yourself and your child that you both have the resilience to study from home.
It is important to consider the benefits that therapeutic education can offer your child when deciding to make the switch from a public school setting to therapeutic education. If you are interested in learning more the benefits Sage Day can have for your child, contact us today.
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