Home Instruction is not the Answer for Students with Mental Health Issues
Posted: October 09, 2019 | Written By: | Category: Emotional Health

Home instruction can do more harm than good when it comes to students struggling with mental health issues. It may hide or reinforce the issues, fail to meet the needs of the student, and can actually be the most restrictive environment for the student.
Home Instruction is Not the Answer For:
School refusal or avoidance
Depression & other mood disorders
Behavior disorders
Suicidality or self-injury
Emotional outbursts stemming from mental illness
Medication adjustment
Signs of Need for Mental Health Intervention:
Chronic absenteeism
Frequent disciplinary referrals
Frequent visits to school nurse
Social isolation
Disorganization/ Memory issues
Lack of focus
Sage Day Princeton Clinical Director, Jennifer Smith sat down to discuss the dangers of home instruction for students suffering from anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. She encourages parents to re-integrate students back into school life as soon as possible because home instruction prevents students from getting the social interaction that they need. Through attending school and being surrounded by others, this allows for the student to develop coping mechanisms to deal with the stressors that they will face for the rest of their lives.
Sage Day provides the flexibility to students who are transitioning back into attending school through gradually increasing the time they spend there until they are full-time again. Sage provides individual and group therapy sessions, as well as continual support and guidance to allow for a smooth transition.
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