Understanding the Social Networks Your Students are on
Posted: April 03, 2014 | Written By: Justin Gerwick | Category: Therapeutic Education

Dear Alison,
I am finding it increasingly more difficult to keep up with monitoring my daughter in regard to her social networking. My daughter has had issues in the past with fighting and arguments through text messaging and online posts. I know about Facebook and believe my daughter has a twitter, but I keep hearing of other sites that I am unfamiliar with. Considering all of the tragedy you hear of in the news regarding cyber bullying, I am concerned about her safety and well-being. How realistic is it for me to monitor my daughter’s social networking and can you shed some light on other popular sites my daughter may be accessing?
-Concerned Computer Mom-
Dear Concerned Computer Mom,
Informing oneself about the different avenues of Social Networking has become an important part of parenting. It can also help to start conversations between you and your children, as well as increase communication with one another. Social Networking is an important part of our current culture, and it is important to stay on top of what is trending as well as what sites your child may be on. Monitoring our kids’ every move is not easy, as they seem to always be ahead of us regarding what is out there. Opening up conversations about current sites can be a helpful way to understand what sites your child is utilizing. Looking into the sites that you hear about is a good idea, so that you can be informed. Kids want to feel they are trusted. Therefore, asking questions in a non-judgmental way will help to gain their trust to confide in you what they are doing online.
-Alison Hipscher, LCSW-
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