Why Would a Therapeutic School be Right for My Child?
Posted: March 16, 2020 | Written By: Justin Gerwick | Category: Therapeutic Education

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, at least one in five school-aged children is affected by a mental health condition with the top two conditions being anxiety and depression. Attending a public school could be difficult for your child if they struggle with social relationships and expressing emotions. If you are considering therapeutic education for your child, it is important to know whether your child will benefit from this type of schooling, which we discuss below.
Properly Trained Staff
When your child is attending a public school, chances are that the teacher of their classroom does not have the proper mental health certifications to know how to meet the needs of that student. While general education teachers typically only have their certificate of eligibility (CE) or standard certificate, teachers at Sage Alliance are required to also have a TOSD certification. A TOSD certification stands for Teacher of Students with Disabilities, and Sage Alliance teachers are required to take the necessary courses to obtain this certification. This certification allows teachers at Sage Alliance to better meet the needs of your child in a way that a teacher in a public school setting may not be able to.
On-Site Counseling Services
Sage Alliance schools are accredited private therapeutic schools that offer individual and group family therapy by our Sage Certified Clinicians. This type of therapy offered at Sage Alliance allows the students to have time during their day to meet with their clinician without falling behind on their academics. At Sage Alliance, positive personal relationships are formed throughout the school between students, teachers, clinicians, and administration to collaboratively help the child succeed.
Everything Public School has to Offer and More
Some parents have the misconception that private therapeutic schools do not offer the same variety of electives and clubs, however, this is not true. Sage Alliance offers many of the same extracurricular activities that a public school offers and more. One of the major benefits of the extracurricular activities offered at Sage Alliance is that they are frequently evolving and adapting to the passions and interests of the students. Some examples of the clubs offered at Sage Alliance include acoustic club, art club, sports club, and strategy games club.
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